Articles on: Videos

Customizing your video privacy

Video Privacy enables you to control who has access and can view the video. The Video Privacy feature is located inside the Customize tab of the Video Editor/Page.**![]

Demonstration of privacy customization

Adilo Video Privacy features are divided into three categories based on who can watch, comment or where the video can be embedded.

Who can watch this video?

This restricts who can watch the video. Available options include:

Anyone (default): - this essentially makes the video public. Anybody will be able to watch the video anywhere it is embedded or using the video link
Project Collaborators: - allows only only your project collaborators to watch the video inside Adilo or anywhere it is embedded (they must be signed in to Adilo)
People with Password: locks the video with your chosen password. You must provide this password to your potential video viewers. They must enter this password in the password video that appears over the video (wherever it is embedded or with a direct link) before they can watch the video
People with the Private Link: - allows only people with the video link to watch the video.

Where can this video be embedded?

This restricts the websites where the video can be embedded.  Options include:

Any Website (default): - the video can be embedded and watched from any website
No Website: - disables all website embeds
Specific Domains: - enables you to add specific domain names where the video can be embedded and watched from. Playback from any other domain not in your whitelist will be disabled.

Who can comment on this video?

Use this option to restrict who can add a comment to the video. Available options include:

Project Collaborators (default): - only your project collaborators can comment on the video
Anyone: - allows anyone to comment on the video.

Choose files or drag and drop files

Updated on: 13/09/2021

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