Articles on: Videos

Uploading a video

To upload a new video to your account:

Open the project you want to upload the video or audio files to

On the top righthand corner, locate and click the Upload Video button

In the modal window that appears, choose whether you want to enable Multi-DRM & AES Encryption Security to protect the video from unauthorized download and distribution. Click on an option to continue

In the video upload page, drag and drop your videos in the provided area or click browse to open your computer's file browser to select a video.

To upload multiple videos at once, you can select the videos from your computer, then drag and drop them in the video upload area. 

The following video formats are supported: mkv, mov, mp4, webm, avi, wmv

After the video(s) has been added, click the Upload button to start uploading.

Depending on the size of the video, the upload can take several minutes to complete

After the video upload is complete, the video transcoding process begins. Depending on the size of the video, this can take several minutes. After the transcoding process is complete, the video is now ready to be viewed and shared

Click the Done button to navigate back to the Project page. 

Choose files or drag and drop files

Updated on: 22/08/2022

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