Importing Videos from Wistia to Adilo
Importing Videos from Wistia to Adilo
Adilo now allows you to integrate with Wistia and import your videos. This is awesome news for users who are migrating from Wistia to our platform, in just a few clicks… we can have all your videos over.
Why Migrate from Wistia to Adilo?
There are so many reasons to migrate but here are the easiest two that I believe apply to everyone.
Enjoy unlimited bandwidth streaming and save big on your video hosting (no more spending huge fees on excessive bandwidth charges)
Get anti-piracy content security on your videos (first of its kind)
How to Connect Your Wistia Account & Migrate
Inside your Adilo account, go to settings, and then integration. On that page, you will see the option for the new integration. Click on “New Integration.”

When you click on new integration, and when the integrations modal window pops up, find Wistia, select it and then click “continue.”

The image below shows a box where you can give your new integration a title. You can name it anything you wish.

Once you are done with that, click on continue. You will be redirected to a webpage so you can log in to your Wistia account and authorize the integration.
Once integrated, you’ll be automatically redirected back to the integrations page and your Wistia account will show up.

If you want to remove the integration, click on the ellipses (three dots) on the Wistia integration, you will see an option to disconnect.
In order to import your videos from Wistia into Adilo, you will need to go to the project you want to import videos into and click on the import option.

On the import screen, click on Wistia and it will load all the videos in your Wistia account.

Select all the videos you want to import and then hit the “upload” button. Once it is done uploading, click on “done” Once you are done, you will be redirected to your Adilo account where the videos you imported are located.

Now that your videos are in Adilo, you can choose what to do with them. Try this amazing integration and tell us what you think in the comment section.
Adilo now allows you to integrate with Wistia and import your videos. This is awesome news for users who are migrating from Wistia to our platform, in just a few clicks… we can have all your videos over.
Why Migrate from Wistia to Adilo?
There are so many reasons to migrate but here are the easiest two that I believe apply to everyone.
Enjoy unlimited bandwidth streaming and save big on your video hosting (no more spending huge fees on excessive bandwidth charges)
Get anti-piracy content security on your videos (first of its kind)
How to Connect Your Wistia Account & Migrate
Inside your Adilo account, go to settings, and then integration. On that page, you will see the option for the new integration. Click on “New Integration.”

When you click on new integration, and when the integrations modal window pops up, find Wistia, select it and then click “continue.”

The image below shows a box where you can give your new integration a title. You can name it anything you wish.

Once you are done with that, click on continue. You will be redirected to a webpage so you can log in to your Wistia account and authorize the integration.
Once integrated, you’ll be automatically redirected back to the integrations page and your Wistia account will show up.

If you want to remove the integration, click on the ellipses (three dots) on the Wistia integration, you will see an option to disconnect.
In order to import your videos from Wistia into Adilo, you will need to go to the project you want to import videos into and click on the import option.

On the import screen, click on Wistia and it will load all the videos in your Wistia account.

Select all the videos you want to import and then hit the “upload” button. Once it is done uploading, click on “done” Once you are done, you will be redirected to your Adilo account where the videos you imported are located.

Now that your videos are in Adilo, you can choose what to do with them. Try this amazing integration and tell us what you think in the comment section.
Updated on: 22/11/2021
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